Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Interactive Reading Portfolio (Freebie)

This is an oldie but a goodie! This post has by far the highest traffic of all the posts on my blog and I am so happy that so many people have found it useful.

I would like to do an updated version but would love some input. Please take a moment to fill out the short survey at the bottom of the post to help me create a new freebie for you all!

At the end of our Literature Circles unit I was looking for something to celebrate the work my students had been doing and to showcase their skills...so I created a Literature Circles Portfolio (foldable extravaganza)! Throughout the unit we focused on summarizing, making connections, character traits and explain our opinions about a book so of course, that's what the portfolio highlighted. Here are some pictures of my template, completed student work and a few annotations sprinkled in! Enjoy!

Note: This post is very picture heavy! Sorry.

The cover template.

Inside the template...all the foldables closed. I gave my students the option to put their own titles on everything except the connections foldable.

Book Review

Accordion fold summary- we focused on the characteristics of narrative writing during this unit. The foldable outlines the beginning, middle and end of their novel as well and the problem/solution. I am very glad that we did this unit before writing our narratives as I think it really helped my Grade 4's understand the parts of a narrative they were expected to include in their own writing.

Favourite part and favourite character.

Predictions...before and after reading.

Student covers...so well done!

The completed portfolios.

This student went ABOVE AND BEYOND! On the back of the portfolio I gave the students a variety of options...a letter to a character, a poster, party planning etc and gave very little guidance in order to see which students would really take their portfolio to the next level. The inside work was all scaffolded during out Literature Circles unit and so I hoped the back would be an opportunity for students onto apply their knowledge of the book and independently display their learning.

As with all projects, some were great...some, well? Needed more effort, that's to be sure.

As you can see, each student personalized the inside of the portfolio according to their book.

Another great independent project on the back of the portfolio. 

If you are interested in seeing the handout I used for this assignment, along with the rubric, please click here! Also, please note that the independent assignments were not created by me because I found a FABULOUS resource on the web and used a few ideas from there. The link is posted on the handout but you can also check it out by going here.

I hope this helpful and useful for some of you. I would also LOVE to hear about the kinds of projects you use in your classes to celebrate the end of a reading unit. Please post your ideas and comments below. 

Help me create a new Interactive Reading Portfolio Freebie!
Click on the image below to be taken to the BRIEF survey.

36 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

Ms. Morton said...

I love this idea! How creative, yet fun and easy to make. I am your newest follower. Come over and visit my blog when you have a chance.



Dondee said...

How awesome is that? Maybe I can use in my class these last few days of school!


Anonymous said...

I agree with using this during the last few weeks of school and again starting the next year with it. I am so amazed everyday at the teachers who are so talented and smart. Thank you

Nicole Heinlein said...

I love this portfolio! Reminds me of a lapbook.
Teaching With Style

Teach It Today said...

I love this idea! I need to try it!

Heather at http:// teachittoday.blogspot.com

Jennifer Jasewicz said...

What a great idea! It looks like your students put a lot of effort into these foldables and they turned out adorable. How long did it take your students to create these? I'd love to try them with my 4th graders!

Anonymous said...

I Love foldables! This is a great idea will have to use next year. Thanks!

Beth said...

It took my class about a week to complete but we had already done most of the work through the unit as we read our literature circles novels. However, my teaching partner's class took a few weeks so it's hard to say.

Beth said...

Thanks Sharima. I'm glad that you might find it useful and thanks for following too. I am heading over to odour blog right now! Beth

Beth said...

Diane, I would love to see some pictures of anything your students create...and last few days of school? Jealous!! We go until June 29th!!

Beth said...

What would you change, if anything, to use this at the start of the school year?

Beth said...

That's what I had in mind when I created it!

Beth said...

I would love to see anything your students create. I am so glad that you like it.

Beth said...

I love foldables too...I wish I used them more often.
A goal for next year I guess!

Teach It Today said...

I just pinned this on Pinterest yesterday. I love it! I need to get into foldables! Thanks for following my blog and I'm a new fan!

Amber @ Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher said...

I love lapbooks! My kiddos adore them! I might need to try this next year!

Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

Heather Smith said...

I have been looking everywhere for a fun/new/creative way to have my kids do a book report and I think I have found it! What a great idea!! Thank you for sharing!!


Unknown said...

Beth, your portfolios came out awesome. They are the perfect companion to a novel study!
Your kids did a great job!

❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop

Ms. D said...

Adorable! Love the ideas!

jenny menendez said...

Love this idea. I will be working on one over the summer and will get back to you once I put it to use int he classroom.

Anonymous said...

I loved the idea. I never know what my students should do after Literature circles.

Tabetha Lynn said...

I love, love, love this. I did it with my 2nd and 3rd graders with a little twist to it.

I'm working on a blog post about how I adapted it, I linked your blog in it. I hope thats ok.

Hopefully, it will be up in a few days. I can really see myself using this in the future too.


Learning With Laughter

Unknown said...

This is great! I can't wait to use it next year with my kiddies! Would it be possible to include a link/template of the other parts of the foldable (i.e. the cover, the different sections inside, etc.)?

Beth said...

@Katy- I can't seem to find it anywhere on my computer! I might be on my school computer but I can't get back into the building until August. I'm sorry!! Beth

Amy said...

Thank you so much for sharing!

Miss Foote said...

Love this! I often teach the "high" reading group, during our intervention/acceleration time, and this would such a great project. I am a new follower!

Chickadee Jubilee

Katie McCollom said...

Would it be possible to post your template for the inside of this foldable? I love the idea and want to use it on my current book clubs!

Amy said...

I'd love to use templates too, if you have them. My email is amycheese89@yahoo.com. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this idea. I think I will assign a chapter book to each of my students during Christmas Break, and ask the students to each make one of these when we return to school in January.

Amy said...

Wow! Thank you so much for sharing. I am planning on using this project after Christmas Break this year. I will have my 3rd graders each choose and check out a book from the library to read over the break. I would also be interested in templates for the inside pieces if you have them. Thank you. My email is amycheese89@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this! I will look at using this with my first grade G/T kids as they would really love this. I think it's something we'll work up to first though. But it's so cool and I've downloaded it. Thanks again!!

Sara Campbell said...

Thank you for sharing this. I am back into teaching after many years of raising my kiddos. I am so glad to get new ideas. We are reading Sarah, Plain and Tall. This is a super "project" idea for us!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Beth,

This is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Is there any way I could get the template for the book review and predictions sections. This is really so good! Thanks. My email is leeann.kassenbrock@evsc.k12.in.us

Anonymous said...

What a great resource...unfortunately I can download the document but I can't open it without permission from the owner. It says I need the owners password. Any ideas?

Beth said...

Anonymous-- That's strange. So many people have already downloaded it. Are you comfortable sending me your email address?

Mahogany Amy said...

I really like this idea! I'm learning more about interactive notebooks so that I can incorporate them into each subject. I probably should start with one subject until I get the hang of them. Thanks for sharing!

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