
Monday, August 1, 2011

TBA? To be awesome!

Teaching Blog Addict has been such a monumental force in my teaching life in just the few short months that it has existed and that Thinking of Teaching has existed. The funny thing is that I haven't even been teaching! As some of you may know I am on mat leave with my first child but am planning to go back to work in September. I am very lucky here in Canada that I have the opportunity to take a full 12 months maternity leave but can choose to go back to work early because my husband is also able to take time off. TBA has been an outlet for me while I am off work to maintain my connection with my career and I truly believe that it will make the transition back to work that much easier.

I am going to have to learn how to balance work and a family, something I haven't done before and am a little nervous about. I have always said that teaching isn't what I do, it's who I am...and to be honest I am not really willing to do it halfway. At the same time I know I am going to want to spend every possible minute with my precious little baby. I know that my connection with TBA at all the amazing teacher-author-bloggers I am met will help me to find the balance I will need.

There is a new linky party over at TBA to see how much we can grow TBA in just one day. Head over to read all about how TBA has affected your teaching, life, blogging, etc. You won't be disappointed by all the amazingness you will find at TBA!

And..... while you are doing that I would LOVE to hear about how you found me here at Thinking of Teaching? Was it through TBA? Another blog? Let me know so I can pass the love along and visit the blogs that visit me!


  1. TBA is a wonderful blog and I am so glad that you linked up! I love your blog! :)
    Curls and a Smile

  2. You are an awesome TBA author and always have so much to share with others. THANK YOU!

    Teaching Blog Addict
    ♥Teaching with TLC

  3. Cute blog template!

    Thanks for helping to spread the word about TBA!

    I'm now a follower to your blog. :)

    Erin Klein


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