
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thinking of Next Year...

Tomorrow is the day that we learn what our tentative assignments are for next year. I am very nervous. I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I am going to be moved out of Grade 4 and I really don't want to go!

We had a new principal start at my school right after the Christmas holidays and things have been going well. Each teacher completed a sheet outlining what we were interested in for next year (I put Grade 4 as my first choice, with 3 and 2 after that) and we sat down for a "fireside" chat with the principal. I tried to make it very clear that I really wanted to stay in Grade 4 as last year I only taught for 4 months before going on mat leave so this is my first full year in Grade 4 and I would like to get a few more years under my belt before tackling a new grade. However, we also had to indicate what our last 5 years of teaching experience included and mine is all in Grade 7 and 8! We have a very tough group in Grade 7 this year and I am very nervous that my new principal will see my previous experience with the intermediate students and move me back there for next year...especially since so many current intermediate teachers have requested to leave the grade. (Intermediate in Ontario is Grade 7-10) .......

I know that this point I have done all I can do and have requested to stay in the lower grades but that doesn't seem to do anything to help this knot in my stomach!!


  1. I feel you... I am going through the same thing! I'm also nervous because I will be leaving for my maternity leave in a month and will be gone for a year... I'm hoping this doesn't influence my principal's decision!
    Hang in there. In the end, things always happen for a reason (even though it is sometimes hard to see what that reason could possible be!).
    Good luck,
    Grow Up Learning

  2. Good luck! I hope you get to stay in fourth a little longer! :)


  3. Good luck tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you. :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  4. I hope everything all works out for you!!

    Just remember.. what does not kill us makes us stronger!

    Good luck! I loved teaching grade 4, so I can relate!

  5. I bet you've found out by now...I hope you get to stay in 4th!!


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