
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Summer read along?

I am starting to think about hosting another read along this summer (like last year's Book Whisperer) and am looking for suggestions!

Perhaps something about math or writing? Leave a comment and let me know, especially if you are interested in co-hosting or being involved in any way at all!


  1. oooo! Writing would be awesome. I'm on the hunt for a great professional read about writing. I would love to be involved. I'm not sure what it would enatail to co-host it. But I might be interested in that. My email is

  2. I would love to be involved! I'll have to think on it for some ideas for math or writing though. Let me know when you want to get started and all the details. Thanks!

  3. I would love to be in on something like this! It's my first summer that I am not taking classes and I will have LOTS of time to read by the pool :)

    I think something common core related would be fun :)


  4. I would love to see something about whole brain strategies and I would be willing to help!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  5. Love the idea! I joined :The Book Whisperer" late but enjoyed it.
    Not sure what book, although I do want to focus on writing this summer.

  6. Love this idea!

    Jessica Stanford
    I'm having a book linky :) (my first)

  7. This sounds interesting! I would love to learn more... I'm assuming its kinda like a book club?!?! I would definitely be interested in taking part.

  8. I would definitely want to take part in this!! I'm changing from 6th grade reading to 5th/6th grade science so I would like the whole brain strategies that someone mentioned above OR reading in the content areas! :)


  9. I participated in The Book Whisperer last year. I am a homeschooling mom of a 9th grader and 2nd grader. Although I didn't implement many specific daily procedures from the book, Ms. Miller DID inspire me to make reading the cornerstone of our day. And it was all year. EVERYTHING that we did was centered around reading. My 2nd grader independently read over 100 books this school year, including three 10-chapter books in the Puppy Place series.

    I was looking for another book of inspiration for this summer, and came across Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv.

    I am planning to do a book study on it this summer, starting in June, hosting it on my blog, Journey to Excellence. I don't know if this would be the book anyone would want to do this summer, but if for some reason it was then I would be glad to co-host it.

  10. I have a few book ideas. Comprehension Connections is one I have perused, but want to delve into more this summer. A few people are asking abotu books for writing. Mentor TExts and Non-Fiction Mentor Texts by Dorfmann and Cappelli are great.

    I would love to be involved and/or co-host!

    Can't wait to hear more!

  11. I forgot to leave my email info yesterday in case you want to team up!

  12. Hi, I am interested in joining in and I would love to co-host at my blog
    As far as suggestions go... I love "do I really have to teach reading?" by Cris Tovani, but that is really aimed at secondary school teachers. I am addicted to anchor charts at the moment so something more about that would be interesting for me. I teach literacy and numeracy in learning support secondary school so anything maths related would also help a lot.


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