
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Summer Book Study...Get Your Math On

I am very excited to be hosting my annual summer book study this year for the third time and this year I have a partner in crime! Brenda from Primary Inspired!

Last year Brenda hosted the Guided Math book study that was amazing and seems to have transformed a lot of people's teaching, mine included. I am excited to be jumping back into the world of math with Laney Sammons for this summer's book study; Building Mathematical Comprehension.

As someone whose background is mainly language arts and literacy, I am very interested to see how I can apply my strengths to my math program. There's been a lot of discussion at my school lately about teaching rotary versus core (that is having a specialist teach math and a different specialist teach language, whereas with core one teacher teaches it all) and I am in favour of core. I can already tell that this book is up my alley because it talk about the importance of integration and that all teachers are reading teachers!

From Amazon: "Building Mathematical Comprehension provides a solid foundation for incorporating familiar reading comprehension strategies and relevant research in mathematics instruction to help build students' mathematical comprehension. This stand-alone book demonstrates how to facilitate student learning to build schema and make connections among concepts. Teachers will learn how to help students ask good questions, visualize mathematics, and synthesize their understanding of mathematical concepts."

Grab your copy and get ready to "get your math on"!

Are you interested in hosting a chapter? Email me at


  1. Can't wait to get the party started! My book is on my table calling my name! lol I'm trying to wait closer to the launch date to dive in!

    Primary Inspired

  2. Looking forward to this! I just ordered my book.

    Math is Elementary

  3. Okay last year was Laney's Guided Math, but what was the title of your book study before that? I'm mad I missed out because I have both Guided Math and the BMC book. When's the launch date because I don't want to miss out three years in a row!

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Mrs. Altman-Lewis,

    If you click on the page at the top of my blog that says "Professional Reading"(Summer Book Studies), you can get all the information there!! Including links to past book studies.


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