
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Teacher Planning Binder

I want to revamp my teacher planning binder and would live to hear your suggestions. What do you love about yours? What would you change? Leave me a link to a post!!!


  1. What I would change about mine: I would use it! lol...just kidding, I do use my day plans but the rest of it is totally disorganized with papers all jumbled all over the place. I wish I had kept up with keeping it organized but I think if I had it set up better I would have been better about keeping it organized. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  2. I am wondering if anyone has had success with an electronic (i.e. online) teacher planner and would like to share their experiences.

  3. I found that I could not use just ONE binder. I tried and tried, but to no avail. I have one that is my day book. Another that is parent communication, another that is assessment and evaluation, another that is for missed homework (the kids fill out sheets and get them signed), and one more for all my class lists etc. I would love to get it down to less, BUT I have to admit I keep them all on a shelf near my desk where I can reach them easily and it is working for me this year!
    Teaching time is crazy right now, if you are not in testing mode like I am, you are in report card mode, or just plain when is this going to end mode! I wanted to invite you to drop by and enter the GIVEAWAY on my blog right now, just in case you missed it! It's a great 31Gifts organizer tote, I want all my Canadian blogger buddies to get in on the sale too! Jen the teacher sponsoring the party,is one of the first consultants for 31 Gifts in Canada! The prices are awesome...come and check it out!

  4. I print pages out with my schedule pre-printed on them. I then use Post-its to write in my plans. Since I move things around so much based on whether my kiddos "get it" or not, those Post-its have really saved me! Good Luck!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  5. Hey Beth,
    I love that my main binder is my sanity saver and helps me keep only what I need at my fingertips.
    Here is my most popular post:
    Leslie @KindergartenWorks


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