
Friday, June 21, 2013

Building Mathematical Comprehension Chapter 2- Part 2

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I know that Chapter 3 starts today but I have some more thoughts on Chapter 2 that I want to share and I've been trying to get back to post all week long! To give you an idea of how my life is going lately here's some numbers:

20 weeks pregnant
9th classroom in 10 years (!)
7 days until we move to our new house
4 school days left
1st ultrasound on Monday

Needless to say, sleep has become my best friend. As soon as I sit down in the evening, I'm done for.

So before you head over to start reading about Chapter 3, I have some things to share.

Choosing Mathematical Terms to Teach

This is a tough one! There are so many good words to know. Important words! Fun words! I like that Sammons quotes Duffy on page 55 and talks about the difference between content words and function words. We have a mental picture for content words and function words serve a grammatical purpose. There are three types of words we should focus on teaching (pages 56-57):
1. Words students that students already have in their oral vocabularies
2. Words that are not in the student's oral vocabularies but are somewhat familiar
3. Words that relate to new concepts

I am interested in putting together a list of words according to my province's curriculum and then seeing how it relates to the common core? Perhaps we are focusing on different things? Similar? It would be interesting for sure.
Engaging Students in Learning Mathematical Vocabulary

Sammons quotes Murray on page 59 and makes the point that vocabulary shouldn't be viewed as some more to teach but as a way to teach. That's an interesting idea. In my class I try to include as much mathematical discourse as possible and strive to have my students use the correct math vocabulary in their discussions. By including more explicit vocabulary instruction in the future, this can only improve my student's ability to speak using mathematical terms and words. 

Mathematical Writing to Reinforce Vocabulary Knowledge
It is definitely a goal of mine to have my students write more about their math learning. It's such a strong way to have students use the vocabulary that they know and to assess their understanding of a math concept. 

I started Math Journals this year and we did some writing in their but a lot of the time they were used for examples, lessons and diagrams. I planned to include a vocabulary section but like with other things, the time got away from me. I am wondering if I should keep the math vocabulary as part of our Math Journals in the future or just have a vocabulary journal and use it for all sorts of vocabulary with an emphasis on Math words? Hmmmm, something to consider.  I'm thinking of a vocabulary notebook with  dividers for each of the different subjects?

Math Word Walls

This is something I did not do enough this year. I would like to organize my word wall by math strand and hopefully, keep the words up all year long. 

Graphic Organizers

I love a Frayer model!! What a great way to organize your thought about a concept. Venn diagrams are great too. I think these two organizers will become big staples of my math program in the future. 

These Are/These Are Not is a new idea for me but I can see the possibilities of using it in a lot of different areas. 

And lastly...Games!

I got off on the right foot using a lot of games in my math class this year as I tried to implement Math Workshop. Again, the time got away from me and it became too much to keep up with as I struggled to get my feet underneath me in a new grade this year. I can definitely see the benefit of them and would like to work math vocabulary games into my future math workshop rotations. 

Okay...Chapter 3!! Here I come!

Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Chapter 2 and the chapters to, I'll have a FREEBIE for you in my Chapter 3 post. 

1 comment:

  1. I ordered this book last night and it should be here next week. Then I guess I'll go back and read all the posts to catch up! :)



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