We made it!!
Thanks to Tina from Croft's Classroom for hosting our last chapter (and conclusion). Great job.
This chapter was all about integrating new literacies- like technology- into our reading and writing programs.
Sure seems like a no brainer to me.
Lisa talks a lot about ways that media and technology can be integrated into the literacy block throughout this chapter and offers a wide variety of of examples of websites that could be useful to teachers and their students.
On pages 140 - 143 Lisa lists the 6 C's of Digital Literacy
1. Connect
2. Communicate
3. Create
4. Collaborate
5. Consolidate
6. Critically Analyze
(And how well do all of those fit with what we do in the teacher-blogger world?)
I loved looking at media and technology from this point of view, especially with the examples of media/ websites/ apps that Lisa has provided.
As always, please link up with your thoughts!
I want to thank everyone that joined in with the book study, especially all the co-hosts.
I have a celebration giveaway in the works and hope to have that post up and running ASAP.
As well, I have sent an email to Lisa with the questions that were submitted over the course of the book study and hope to hear back from her very soon!
The linkies for each Chapter will remain open until July 25th if you are still interested in posting about the book/ book study and wish to link up.
Thank you so much for hosting this! This book has become one of my fave PD books ever!