I'm linking up with Mrs. Jump's 10 Things I Want to Do This Summer linky.... whew, that's a mouthful.
Sadly, but not too sadly my maternity leave will be ending in August and I will be back to work in September.
I am definitely not a stay-at-home mom and kudos to those who are but for me going back to work is always a good thing.
But I really do what to take advantage of my time with my baby and three-year old this summer before life gets crazy.
So what are my 10 things?
Go on lots of day trips....the zoo, picnics, splash pads, hiking, the beach, etc.
I really want to be out and about with my girls as much as possible this summer.
Continue to organize my house....little by little we are getting there. I'm sure it'll never fully be done but piece by piece eh?
I want to really devote my cooking and eating to clean eating.
We are definitely eating much cleaner than ever before but I want to push ourselves to do better this summer.
Get a solid workout routine going...walking with the baby, running in the evenings, power yoga with Jillian Michaels. I need to get off the couch and lose this baby weight.
Continue to work on re-vamping my math workshop program, and my literacy block. This is where are the great book studies are coming in handy. I'm learning so much all the time.
Meet with my friends that are going to be Grade 3 teachers for the first time....after many years of teaching upper elementary students! They've asked for my help with this transition and I figure every time we get together it's a good excuse for a play date too!
Spend some quality time with my husband.
We have a three-year-old and a six-month-old at home.
We are never alone.
Enough said!
My wonderful husband built me a small square foot garden to get started on vegetable gardening this summer.
The plan is to build bigger and bigger in the future but for now we are starting out small.
Work on some more TPT products.
My store is still so new and so little.
Just kick back and enjoy the summer time which will probably mean a well deserved break from blogging.
How will you spend your summer?
Head on over to Mrs. Jump's Class to link up and share your thoughts about the summer.
Clip art star numbers are from Scrappin' Doodles.
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