Thursday, August 8, 2013

Back to School Freebie Series- Teaching Binder Printables

Thanks to a follower who emailed me to say that the links for my freebies weren't working. I'm so sorry. 
The problem has been fixed and they are working now.

It's back to school time and I have been working hard on updating my Teacher Binder printables from last year (here and here) and adding new ones for y'all. 

This is going to be a series of posts so make sure you check back, some of my freebies will only be offered over at A Class*y Collaboration as part of a special event we have planned. Whew, can you handle all that excitement? 

I am basically attempting to create all the forms and organizational tools I need for my class...the things I find most useful. If you don't see something you think you would like, please email me or leave a message and I will do my best to try and create something for you.

My first two freebies are for the all important act of communication. My very first associate teacher in Teacher's College told me that one of the best things a teacher can do is 
C.Y. A. 
(Cover Your Ass!)
Which means documenting all communication between home and school. Believe this type of thing has saved me a lot of trouble in the past.

A quick tip: For those student who always seem to have trouble returning notes and tests signed...especially if the grade/mark is not so great, I photocopy the test BEFORE I send it home so that I still retain a copy even if it is "lost" before a parent sees it. 

Student Contact Information
This is a sheet to help you keep all your students contact info in one place. My board doesn't allow emailing between parents and teachers so I did not include a column for that, but you could always use the notes section. 

Parent Communication Log
In the past I used one sheet per student to record communication between home and school, but I found there were some students who required little communication and it was a waste of paper. So this year I am going to attempt a monthly log. That is I will record all the communication that takes place within a given month on one sheet. We'll see how it goes. 

All of the gorgeous clip art I will be using during this Teacher Binder series comes from Scrappin Doodles ( and Pink Cat Studio ( I am in LOVE with the owls!!!

And...please, link up with my What are you carrying? Back to School Linky Party. There just might be a surprise freebie for all those who link up!

1 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Kim said...

Your forms are adorable. Unfortunately, I'm unable to download the Student Contact Information form and the Parent Communication Log. If possible, please send these two forms my way.
Many Thanks,

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