Saturday, August 10, 2013

My Teacher Bag Linky Party

Well, now that all the Schoolapalooza over at A Class*y Collaboration has reached an end (sad face) I can post about my...


I must say, I don't have just one. I am a self-diagnosed bag-aholic and having Thirty-One come to Canada was probably not the best thing for my wallet. I change my purse at least twice (if not more) a week and probably only carry the same teacher bag for a month at a time. That being said, I do have some go-to faves that stay in rotation longer than others.

Last year the bag I used the most was this amazing canvas tote from The Bay. 

Photo via Gracious, Good's Blog

I loved that it had the traditional Hudson Bay colours (I wish I could afford one of their blankets!) and how sturdy it is. 
Plus, it was on sale for $25! Awesome.

I could pack this baby full of stuff and it would still hold more. My car often told me that my passenger wasn't wearing their seatbelt when I carried it to school. A sign that maybe there was too much in it? Hmmmmm.

Photo via Thirty-One

My best friend just bought me the Organizing Utility Tote from Thirty-One for my up-coming birthday (August 19th if you're wondering) and I love it. She got this print with my initials on it. I'm sure for the next year while I am on mat leave it'll be put into service as a diaper bag, but look out September 2014! I've got a new Teacher Bag.

Photo via GreenThinkers

Sometimes I just carry a few reusable grocery bags from a local grocery store because they're big, sturdy and can hold a lot. Plus, they come in all sorts of cool fruit and vegetable designs!

Photo via Thirty-One
Photo via Thirty-One

Since I am only going back to school for nine days this year, I don't anticipate needing to carrying a lot of stuff so I am going to rotate between my new Retro Metro Bag and the Inside Out Bag from Thirty-One.

I've been carrying these bags everywhere with me since they arrived and I love both of them!

I would love for you to link up with my ongoing linky party and share your Teacher Bag...or bags, as the case may be.

As a thank you to everyone that links up, 
I'd like to offer them a personalized Teacher Planning Binder cover page like the one pictured below. 

Would you like to display the linky party on your blog? Then grab the code here.

get the InLinkz code

3 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Kim said...

I love that line about the seat belt... Hilarious! But oh so true...

Finding JOY in 6th Grade

2 Unknown said...

I love the Bay bag you used last year...unfortunately, I tend to go with the reuseable bags from store. I should get something better though...thanks for the inspiration.

3 Unknown said...

Sorry for the delay. My "teacher's bag" post is up. I am still undecided but I am glad I've started thinking about one!

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