Sunday, August 4, 2013

Schoolapalooza and A Class*y Cruise!

There's so much going on all around the blogosphere it's hard to keep up, but it sure is exciting!

The gals over at A Class*y Collaboration are partying along with everyone else. And just one party, but TWO! That's right...

The first is a chance to link up your classroom reveal posts and photos. I must say that these are always my favourite post of the whole year. I love to see how other people organize their rooms, how they adapt the ideas they find from other people and all the beautiful things they have created for their rooms and students.

Click on the image above to head on over to
 A Class*y Collaboration to link up your own posts 
and check out the ideas of others. 

I'm in a unique situation this year as I am currently pregnant and will only be returning to school for 9 days total. I am planning to link up with some pictures from last year's classroom as well as my plans for how to start a class that I will only occupy for 9 days! It's going to be difficult that's for sure.

Any helpful hints or suggestions you have would be great!

The second event going on over at A Class*y Collaboration is Schoolapalooza! That's a mouthful!

Each day a couple of bloggers will be highlighted and exclusive freebies will be offered at A Class*y Collaboration and their teaching blogs. Be sure to check back everyday to pick up your freebies!

My freebies will be part of my Back to School Teacher Binder Series.

I will be back tomorrow with more freebies for your Teacher Binder right here at Thinking of Teaching. Then when my turn comes around on A Class*y Collaboration there will be two exclusive freebies from my series available over there! 

3 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Whimsy Workshop Teaching said...

Hi Beth! Only 9 days in your new class! I don't think I would mind that, although I'm sure you'll be very occupied during the time afterwards. Good luck with your new little one when it happens! When I had my youngest, I worked while pregnant from Sept - May with am/pm kindergarten classes and OH was I tired! I have no idea how I made it! Enjoy your time off...I always found that it takes about 3 days after returning for it to seem like I'd never left. :-)
Whimsy Workshop

2 Beth said...

Thanks Susanna! I was so excited to find your blog and another Canadian blogger. I'm sure the 9 days will fly by but can't seem to wrap my head around what I will actually do with the time.

3 Jodi said...

Wow, nine days...I hope they have hired someone who is helping you set up the room and then will do your maternity leave. Have fun with your new little one.

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