Sunday, October 14, 2012

Frayer Model Freebie

I have a quick freebie for you tonight. I have been using the Frayer Model for many years in my classroom, mostly when I taught the upper grades. Now that we are a few weeks into the school year I decided to see if my Grade 3's were ready to use them as well!

This is the small one that I use for my student's math journals.

This is a larger one that I use for notes in classes like Social Studies and Science.

This is a subject specific one that my students and I used in our Social Studies unit on Urban and Rural Communities.

I think Frayer models make for great notes as it gives students a written definition, examples and a visual reminder of the concept. 

Hope you find it useful!

2 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

Unknown said...

You've been booed come on over to my blog and check it out!
The Resource(ful) Room

Anonymous said...

I love the Frayer Model, but they're usually so large. This will fit nicely in our Social Studies interactive notebooks. Thanks!

Young Daze in 5th Grade

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