Monday, August 6, 2012

Teacher Planning Binder: Information and Forms (Freebie!)

I'm still plugging away at my teacher planning binder. So far everything is just on my computer or in my head, but I am still 4 weeks away from starting school again so I have time to compile everything. When that is done I will definitely post some pictures for you all to see. 

If you missed my first two posts about my teacher planning binder ideas click on the links below...

I do feel like this is going to be an ongoing process, or at least should be an ongoing process. As the year progresses I will be adding and removing items from my binder as I need to and as it suits my teaching. Some things I plan on NOT putting in this binder are:

1) My guided reading plans- I hope to create a "Pensieve" a la the Cafe book 

2) My guided math plans- still not totally sure what I plan to do here. I know I will be keeping my Math Stretches and Calendar Math plans in one binder/or spiral bound as I outlined in this post.

Click on the picture to head to that post and pick up those freebies if you haven't already!

Other than that I keep my math units in separate binders (or have in the past) based on the unit/strand I am covering.

My Teacher Planning Binder is (hopefully) just going to contain the most vital information needed on a daily basis. As I see it right now, I plan to have the following information in my binder:

1. Assessment Profiles- I moved from a class list style assessment sheet last year to having one sheet per student for assessment. This way I can see my students' achievement in all the areas of their academics in a glance. Don't worry...I will be posting about this soon!

2. Long Range Planning- My team and I completed our Math and Language Arts long range plans before school was out in June (awesome!) so that's done. I need to look over the other subjects I teach but as I like to integrate as much as possible it will really be a matter of fitting Science and Social Studies (mainly) in with my Math and Language programs. 

3. Monthly Calendar- I like to be able to see ahead a few weeks at a single glance so this is an important section for me! I downloaded the calendar pages from Leslie over at Kindergarten Works and so far, these are the only pages in my binder!

4. Student Information- I use this section to keep track of birthdays, transportation, allergies, and past achievements. I have a profile sheet I have used in the past to get a glimpse of my students' past grades and learning skills from their student records but, like many things, I plan to revamp this! 

5. Staff and Team Meetings- This will be new this year. I have always just grabbed a sheet of paper for meetings with my team but had a designated notebook for full staff meetings. I am hoping that if I keep it all in one place I can be more organized in this area.

And that's it!! I don't want too much in one place because I don't think that leads to increased, it'll just be too big to lug around with me everywhere. 

So I imagine that by now you are wondering why I wrote freebie in the title...and if you are this far into the post (and have read through all my blabbering on) then you definitely deserve a freebie!

Here are three forms I've created for my teacher planning binder that all free for you!!

Do you have a teacher planning binder? 
What do you put in it? 
How did you go about planning and organizing your binder? I'd love to hear from you!!

12 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Unknown said...

Hi Beth...I got your link from the Monday Made It Linky...I like how simple your Teacher Binder is going to be...You have really gave me some good ideas for my 4th grade class this year! Check out my Monday Made its at Miss Milton's Memoirs

Your newest follower,

2 Brandi said...

Thanks for sharing your freebies...your teacher binder looks great!

Success in Second Grade
Don’t forget to check out My Summer in Pictures Linky Party

3 Lisa R. said...

I love the layout of your teacher binder!! Thanks for sharing!! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure

4 Beth said...

Thanks Lisa and Brandi. I am glad to share!

Sarah said...

Love the birthday freebie. I printed it and will be using it! Thank you so much for sharing!

6 Beth said...

@Sarah- Glad you can use it!

7 Leslie said...

I've never thought of adding staff meeting note pages right into my binder - but I love it! Thanks for the idea. You're fantastic Beth!
-Leslie @KindergartenWorks

8 Beth said...

You're not so bad yourself, Leslie!

9 Dr. Cara Whitehead, NBCT said...

I love your binder!

As we gear up for the new school year-new ideas, things to add, things to change, etc. I encourage you to give JogNog Quick Quiz a try.

My students use this site in my classroom. I was so impressed that I shared it through social media platforms. Now, I have the opportunity to work with them part-time after school in the area of social media promotions.

JogNog Quick Quiz allows you to create an online quiz in literally 60 seconds or less. This video will show you how.

Using JogNog's content of over 20,000 study questions, you are sure to build a quiz to meet your needs. Give it a try, and let me know what you think!

Teaching...My Calling

10 parkepreschool said...

Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I can't seem to download your freebies and I would LOVE your birthday paper. I always print off the list of birthdays but what a better way to do it to quickly see who's birthday is coming up.

11 CDNKTeacher said...

Thank you for sharing! I love the staff meeting notes page.

12 youngprekteacher said...

Love the staff meeting notes. I will be adding those to my binder as well.

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