Monday, June 13, 2011

The Book Whisperer Read Along- Schedule

Are you ready? Do you have your book? Listed below you will find the schedule for The Book Whisperer  read along. If you want to read ahead- that's great! If you get behind (it is summer after all)- no worries! We just want to have some fun, read together and of course...LEARN!
June 13th- 26th
Kick-off Giveaway!
To help everybody get just a little more excited I am hosting a giveaway to kick-off the read along. Head on over to this link to check out all the details. 
I will also be participating/hosting throughout the entire read along 
right here at Thinking of Teaching.

Thinking of Teaching

You can also see the schedule here in Google Docs form.
June 27- 30th
Introduction and 
Chapter 1: There and Back Again
July 1st- 4th
Chapter 2: Everybody is a Reader
July 5th- 7th
Whisper: Surveys
Shannon- 6th Grade Scott Foresman Reading Street Resources

Brenda- Primary Inspired

July 8th- 11th
Chapter 3: There's a Time and a Place
July 11th- 15th SPECIAL EVENT
"How does The Book Whisperer connect to homeschooling?"
July 12th- 15th
Chapter 4 : Reading Freedom

Lynda- Curls and a Smile

Mandy- A Special Kind of Class

July 16th- 18th
Whisper: Reader’s Notebooks
July 19th- 23rd
Chapter 5 : Walking the Walk
July 24th- 27th
Chapter 6 : Cutting the Teacher Strings
July 27th- 29th
Whisper: Year End Evaluations
July 30th- Aug 2nd
Chapter 7: Letting Go
Aug 2nd- 6th
Appendixes and Celebration

Beth- Thinking of Teaching (that's me!)

Thinking of Teaching

3 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Beth said...

I have NO IDEA why some of the blogs are so spaced out on this list....I tweaked it forever and finally just gave up in frustration. Sorry if it is difficult to read. ~ Beth

2 Cindy said...

Awesome! Can't wait. Thanks for doing this!

3 Mrs. C said...

Thank you!

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