Friday, June 24, 2011

Getting to Know Donalyn Miller

Only three days until we start The Book Whisperer Read Along! It's getting exciting now.

To tide you over for the next few days Donalyn Miller, the author of The Book Whisperer, has answered a few questions so that we can all get to know her a little better.

BUT FIRST...some even MORE exciting news. Donalyn is going to answer your questions as well! Twice during our read along you will have the opportunity to post a question here on my blog, I will email them to Donalyn and then she is going to pick 10 or so to answer! How great, right? We will get the information straight from the horse's mouth (so to speak)!.

Your first chance to post your questions will be from July 1-4th (we will have read Chapters 1-2) and I will post up the answers around July 8th.

Then we will repeat the whole process a second time- questions will be posted from July 24th-27th and then the answers will be posted around August 2nd.

Now on to the interview!

1) What is your favourite book (or series) from childhood? 

First off, asking me to name my favorite books is like asking me to pick my favorite child if I had 100. Some of my childhood favorites were Wilder's Little House books and anything by Marguerite Henry. I was obsessed with horses at the time and wanted to be a veterinarian when I grew up--I think I made the right choice, though.

2) What is your favourite book (or series) now? 
My favorite adult series would be the Tuesday Next books by Jasper Fforde. It combines two things that I love-- science fiction and metafiction (books about books). I feel smart when I recognize Fforde's literary allusions to other books and I adore all things British. In young adult literature, my favorite series is also by a British author, Patrick Ness' Chaos Walking series. Hands down the best YA books I have read. Haunting. Powerful.

3) What is your opinion of e-readers? 
I own a Kindle. I appreciate it as a tool. When traveling, carrying a Kindle saves me from hauling 15 books in my suitcase. I see the value in e-readers for kids, too. I know that reading on an electronic device might motivate some dormant readers. The ability to manipulate font size, look up words, and annotate text customizes the reading experience, too. Having said that, I am waiting for the e-reader that releases a paper smell when you turn it on and sounds like the crack of a spine when you open the book. For me, reading is a sensory experience, and I miss the visual and tactile aspects of reading a paper book when I use my Kindle. I read a lot of books that I want to share, too, and this is difficult to do with an e-reader. Most of the children's and YA literature I read I still buy in paper form, so I can pass these books to kids.

4) Finish this sentence: "On Sundays I like to..." 
On Sundays, I like to avoid grading the student work I brought home on Friday. During the summer, I like to go for walks with my husband and youngest daughter, work in the yard, and curl up in my overstuffed chair to read.

5) Describe yourself in 5 words! 
Married a reader. Lifelong bliss.

6) Hardcover or paperback? Why? 
Hardcover or paperback? It depends. I find it hard to read mass-market paperback editions of long books like Harry Potter. The print is too small and the book is too thick to hold comfortably with a thumb. Paperbacks are cheaper, but I have no problem buying a hardcover edition of a new book I'm desperate to read.

7) Coffee or Tea? 
COFFEE. I drink an insane amount of coffee-- even in the evenings. I pack my own coffee pods, creamer, and Splenda for trips. The first thing I want to know when I visit a place is the location of the nearest Starbucks. It's bad. I know.

8) What has been the best thing about writing The Book Whisperer? 
The best thing about writing The Book Whisperer is that it has provided me the opportunity to travel and meet amazing teachers from all over the world. I continually learn and grow as a teacher when I talk with colleagues about what they are doing with their students.

Want to join in on the fun? Answer the following 7 questions and then link up to your blog post!!

1) What is your favourite book (or series) from childhood?

2) What is your favourite book (or series) now?

3) What is your opinion of e-readers?

4) Finish this sentence: "On Sundays I like to..."

5) Describe yourself in 5 words!

6) Hardcover or paperback? Why?

7) Coffee or Tea?

We will save question #8 for the end of the read along and then everyone can answer what was the best thing about reading The Book Whisperer! Looking forward to your answers.

Here's your chance to answer the same questions as Donalyn. We can all get to know each other!

1. Faithful in First  11. Rambling About Reading  21. Quench Your First  
2. Kelli  12. Curls and a Smile  22. Workshop Classroom  
3. Marvelous Multiagers!  13. Freedom in First  23. Go Fourth! With Mrs. Owens  
4. Simply 2nd Resources  14. Wiggins World  24. Frogs & Cupcakes  
5. Set this Circus Down  15. Bev  25. Dual Kinder Teacher  
6. welcome to our wonderland  16. Thinking of Teaching  26. Mrs. Mac  
7. Micah  17. Lifelong Learning  27. Tammy  
8. Nicole @ TaulmanTimes  18. A Special Kind of Class  28. Nikki Lou @ Field of Life  
9. Sowing Seeds  19. Our Cool School  29. 5th grade fun!  
10. Apple Girl Amber  20. Teaching Makes the World Go 'Round  30. Nancy Apple Basket Teacher  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

4 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Katie said...

1. My favorite series as a child was The Baby-Sitters Club. My sisters and I had ALL of them!
2. My favorite series now for kids is Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. For grown-ups, I love the Stephanie Plum books-huge guilty pleasure for me.
3. I was totally aganist ereaders, then I played with a Nook Color. I now own and love a Nook but I still read books. You just can't replace the feel of a book in your hands and the smell!
4. On Sundays I like to go to Whole Foods and play in the bookstore.
5. thoughtful, learner, goofy, still thinking on the others...
6.paperback- they are easier to read in bed
7. Diet Dr. Pepper. I drink tea in the winter but I hate coffee!

2 Pat's Paper Passion said...

1) What is your favorite book (or series) from childhood? Nancy Drew/Sue Barton

2) What is your favorite book (or series) now? Maeve Binchy

3) What is your opinion of e-readers? Great for traveling...nothing like curling up with a book at night or one the beach

4) Finish this sentence: "On Sundays I like to...have neighbors and friends over for supper."

5) Describe yourself in 5 words! here are my 5 favorite things...ipad, purses, chocolate, journals, coffee

6) Hardcover or paperback? Why? hardcover...last longer...I can share with friends or my class

7) Coffee or Tea? coffee 24/7

3 Kristen L Manley said...

1) My favorite book series from childhood was Nancy Drew and favorite single book was Matilda.
2) My favorite book series now is anything by Karin Slaughter. Scary!
3) I think e-readers are neat. I’ve played with my mom’s, but nothing’s like a real book in your hand!
4) On Sundays I like to... eat lunch at my husband’s grandmother’s and come home to take a nap.
5) Wife, teacher, Christian, optimistic, & dorky
6) Paperback – easier to hold and cheaper!
7) Coffee – Every morning! But if its sweet iced tea, I may just pick that. :)

4 lyssa said...

Nice blog with cool Classic Fonts !!!

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