Monday, July 9, 2012

Classroom Theme Linky

Surfin' Through Second

Corinna over at Surfin' Through Second is having a super fun linky party! A classroom theme linky...I've never done a classroom theme before, probably because I always taught the upper grades but now that I am moving to Grade 3 I have decided that I want to do one. 

The teacher who is leaving the room I am going into for next year is going to Kindergarten so she left me all sorts of great stuff to start my year off in grade 3. She had red paper on the bulletin boards and black and white borders, very cute. But I am hoping to do something a little different while still using the materials she left for me....reuse, right!

The red paper is going to be perfect for my chosen theme of...

Dr. Suess!!

I have always liked Dr. Suess and all his crazy books but since I have had my daughter and have been reading them more often my like has grown to LOVE and I want that to spill over into my classroom. Here are some of the ideas I have found that I want for my room.

I am not sure which border I like better? Do I want just one through my whole room? Both? Decisions!!

Aren't these super fun! I am also hoping to go to my nearest thrift store and find some old Dr. Suess books that I can repurpose into classroom decorations...DIY, here I come!

This one I LOVE...

How fun is that??

Some places where I have found inspiration-

Clutter-Free Classroom has a whole post on Suess-inspired classrooms! Pinned that!

I will make this the first week with my amazing!

Oh, I can't wait to get into my classroom and get it all put together. 

9 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Kindertrips said...

Cute, cute, cute! Your room will look so precious!

2 Corinna said...

That is a perfect theme! Everyone loves Dr. Seuss:) There are a few items in the TpT stores to choose from as well. Tracee Orman has some borders and I have a free set of Red Digital Paper designs that could help too! Look at me telling everyone what to do, lol! Thank you so much for linking up:)

Surfin' Through Second

3 Lisa R. said...

Aww, I love Dr. Seuss!! Your classroom is going to look totally cute! I would love to see some pictures when you put everything together. :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure

4 Kristen said...

what a cool theme, I can't wait to see it!!

5 Ncteacher4321 said...

I just got back from Target, and in the dollar section (you know up at the front of the store) there were a TON of Dr. Seuss things for the classroom. There were awards, pencils, note pads, bulletin board borders, erases I mean a TON of stuff for just $1!! I am not doing Dr. Seuss as my classroom theme and I still purchased the student awards (I give awards for students who meet their quarterly AR goals, attendance etc) and pencils (for the incentive box). Not sure if your Target has the same, but I'd go check it out.

6 Beth said...

@NCteacher4321- Thanks so much!! Sadly, we don't have Target here in Canada...yet! But I am going to Michigan this weekend and will keep an eye out. I really appreciate your comment. Thanks for thinking of me.

7 Gigi said...

Michael's also has Dr. Suess theme decorations and supplies. I love Dr. Seuss. Can't wait to see pictures.

8 Beth said...

@Gigi- I went to Michaels and was able to pick up some great stuff...not everything I wanted but a lot. Thanks for the suggestion!

9 Monica said...

I'm doing a Dr. Seuss theme this year also. I found lots of $1.00 stuff at target. Check it out my blog ( Better yet hurry over to Target before it's gone! By the way I love the hat idea.

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