Short Term Goals
1. Start Math Stretches and Math Meeting (Calendar) during the first week of school.
2. Integrate more games and small group work on a daily basis.
3. Use weekly math homework to practice necessary skills not just the strand we are currently working on.
Long Term Goals
1. Look towards starting Math Workshop (a freebie will be coming soon!)- I am thinking that about the start to middle of October I will be planning on moving towards a math workshop model in my classroom
2. Learn more about math manipulatives and problem based learning
3. Look into completing my Math Part 1 Additional Qualifications (very long term)
Whew...don't you always feel better when you set some goals?
So in order to achieve these goals I have been working on creating what I will call Morning Math Meeting. Since I will be teaching Grade 3, not a lot of our time will be focused on an actual calendar so I didn't really feel that calling it calendar would work for me. However, as I have been perusing the blogosphere for ideas, I can tell you that it's basically going to be calendar.
If you are new to Thinking of Teaching, then you may want to check out my previous post about Math Stretches and my Calendar Outline. I have some freebies posted there as well.
This year I will be teaching in a portable, which is what we call those small (very small) trailer type rooms they put outside of a school when they need more space. I've taught in one before and actually kind of like it, and I'm not worried about being segregated from the rest of the school school has 20 of these!!! We are waaaaaaay over capacity! It's a whole second school outside the main building. But I digress...
Since I am in a portable with limited wall space I have decided to put my Morning Math Meeting board on a portable cork board. I have all the pieces ready to be printed, cutout and laminated but just haven't had the time yet with the baby arriving and the wedding tomorrow. But, I didn't want to make you all wait for a freebie! Especially since it is Friday!
This is what I envision my Morning Math Meeting will entail in September. I plan to make it an ever changing, flexible part of our math program and even hope to integrate Science down the road. I am still thinking about how much writing my students will be doing, versus orally communicating together. But perhaps, that is a post for another day?
So, without further ado here is the freebie. I would really appreciate any and ALL feedback from you if you choose to download this freebie. Comments are wonderful and help so much! Thanks.
The clipart in this freebie is from Scrappin Doodles and the font is from Kevin and Amanda.
My calendar/math meeting was inspired by:
Primary Inspired
Teaching in Room 6
Mrs. Meacham's Classroom Snapshots
Mama Jenn
9 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:
I loved doing Calendar Math (Math Morning Meeting). The kids really enjoyed it and it was helpful to their math skills. I might suggest adding in a "How many days left?" section. Also, are you going to have them count the days with straws or paperclips? Something for them to practice regrouping and such? They have some cute pocket charts out there now that help with that. :-) I like the chart though!
@Erin- Thanks for the feedback and the idea about counting days....more to think about!
I love the idea. I may put these in smart pals on the calendar wall and have students write for the group to see.
I hope you are going to share these each month;)
Hi Beth!
I'm a teacher in Ontario too! I teach Senior Kindergarten in Woodbridge - where about's are you from? Nice to 'meet' you! Enjoy the last couple of weeks of summer!
Ѽ Alessia
Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class
Thank you =) I was wondering about guided math, and you gave me lots of ideas!
Thanks for the ideas. I will be incorporating some of your ideas into my daily math calendar.
Yea thanks for sharing! I am trying to get calendar math going this year, and this is gonna be very helpful to me! :)
Reaching for the TOP!
Thanks this is a great idea.
To everyone- Thanks for the great comments! I am so glad these could help people. I will be adding more as the year progresses so keep your eye out.
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