Monday, May 25, 2015

Just making it through- behaviour management

I'm going back into the archive for this one...but it's a good one!
Every year in May and June it gets HOT in Ontario....soooooo hot.
The kids are hot, the teachers are hot...everything is hot.
(Most years…this year? Who knows!!)

What to do??
So how do I plan to make it through without losing my sanity!?


As a general rule I am not sure how I feel about Freedom Fridays as a behaviour incentive for the duration of the school year, but for the last few weeks of the school year it works wonders to keep everyone (me) happy!

This is what the Freedom Friday board looks like in my room. 
I just used those markers that can write on the board and only come off with water. 

Fancy, right?

Then I have my students work in groups to brainstorm all the ways they could earn a letter towards getting Freedom Friday (a free period for games etc) and what they might do to lose a previously earned letter. 
There are always some great conversations going on in my room during this activity! 
I hear things like, "Mrs. Lyons is always reminding us to do ______ so it must be important!" 
(That one made me giggle a little.) 
We also have a quick review on how to brainstorm- take down every idea that is given and talk about it after you have run out of ideas.

I am always impressed by how focused my students are on the task...nothing like the allure of a little free time to get students motivated! 

Try it and let me know how it goes in your room. 

8 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Jessica Ann Stanford said...

Cute idea! We use Friday Afternoon Club and it's very similar!

Jessica Stanford
Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog

2 Kim said...

Twenty-four days?! That's brutal!
I'm suffering with twelve.
Good for you to work so hard to keep a positive attitude.
Hang in there...

Finding JOY in 6th Grade

3 Beth said...

Thanks Jessica. Do you use this activity all year long?

4 Beth said...

Kim, we go right until June's going to be a killer.

5 Sabra said...

Very cute! I like this better than our smiley face/sad face counter. Will def be trying it next year. Good luck in your 24 days! We just got out and I'm not sure I could have lasted a day let alone 24 more, lol. I just love your blog and have awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award :o) If you check out my blog it tells you how to recieve your award and pass it on. Thank you again!


6 Ms.M from Teachingisagift said...

Today is the COLD day, the really really cold day! Next week looks nuts too, rain and cold then warm and windy! I am in count down mode too but I still have EQAO the first week of June. I have to keep my sanity through that first! Oh yeah, and then we are teaching PUBERTY! Nothing like that to keep the kids super excited! I have booked an awesome end of year trip though! We're going out on a tall ship! I like to do something memorable for the grade six end of the year trip!

7 Beth said...

We start EQAO for the Grade 3's on Monday...I'm nervous for the poor kids whose parents seem to be intent on drilling them at home each night. No wonder they're stressed. We have a bunch of fun days planned but no more trips. The tall ships sound great, where are you doing that?

8 Unknown said...

On an unrelated note, I have been reading the 100 minutes book and also read your summer book study postings about it from last summer. I am curious to know how much you implemented from 100 minutes during this past school year and how you felt it went

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