Friday, May 29, 2015

Using a T-chart to Solve Patterns- Math Huddle

I'm loving Math Huddles these days...things have gotten a little too busy for Math Workshop, and I am sad about that. I hope to get back to it soon. But in the meantime, Math Stretches and Math Huddle marches on!

My class has been working on patterning- creating, extending, describing etc. Since it is a testing year in Grade 3, we are also working on using a T-chart to solve patterns since one of these questions seems to always end up on the test. Plus, it's a great strategy for the kids to have in their toolbox. 

Here's the kids' work samples...I love the t-chart and the picture on this one.

This group extended their t-chart waaaaaaay past what was asked in the question, which was okay because it lead to a discussion of reasonable answers. 

This group started by drawing flowers, and when I asked them why they had no we re-visited the question and that's when they realized the question was about a fence not flowers! Hmmm?

Happy Mathing!

2 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Dr. Jill E. Steeley said...

I'm your newest follower, Beth. You have so many good ideas on your blog. Thanks for the inspirations. Come by and visit my blog when you have a chance.


2 Dr. Jill E. Steeley said...

What a wonderful collection of good ideas on your blog. Thanks for the inspirations.

I'm your newest follower. Drop by and visit my blog when you get a chance.


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