Sunday, January 1, 2012

Time to Eat Healthy!! (A freebie!)

Before the break and all through the fall my students were studying healthy eating and making good food choices using Canada's Food guide. As a culminating activity we create Healthy Eating Superheroes! Soooo fun. We brainstormed together all the features of a super hero before we started and I told them that their super heroes arch enemy was.....da, da, daaaa...UNHEALTHY EATING MAN! (Super creative right? LOL..they liked it) Anyway, I have just finished marking their posters and written descriptions and I thought that with it being the first day of the new year and time for some health related resolutions this would make for a great first post in 2012!

Click on this link to download the pdf of the assignment handout, rubric and written description handout. (Warning- this was created for the Ontario curriculum and Canada's Food Guide! If you live in the States and would like a .doc version please leave a comment below with your email)

Healthy Eating Superhero Culminating Task

And here are some of my favourites from my class...they were all so good it was very hard to choose just a few to share! The written descriptions underneath are the ones submitted by my students. Love it!!

Healthy Girl- My superhero's special power is flying. It can help fight Unhealthy Eating Man because if Unhealthy Eating Man goes up in the sky and eats junk food Healthy Girl can still save him. It's gadgets are fruits and vegetables shooter, grain products shooter, milk products shooter and meat and alternatives shooter.

Amazing Healthy Eater- My superhero's special power is that it can breathe out foods from the fruits and vegetables group. The gadgets are a grain products releaser, a meat and alternatives shoe that blows out meat and alternatives and show that blows out milk and alternatives. He fights Unhealthy Eating Man because all the super powers and gadgets blow out healthy foods the Unhealthy Eating Man accidentally eats them and kids also eat it.

Green Gal- My superhero has a gun that shoots broccoli so if the villain makes people eat junk food Green Gal could push it away by her broccoli gun. She can shoot meat and alternatives with her belt so she can knock the villain down. Her purse with her gadgets not only a purse but a sidekick that gives her advice to defeat villains.

Healthy Voltage- My superhero's special powers are that he can fly, run very fast, far jumping, unhealthy vision and x-ray vision because if Unhealthy Eating Man is trying to run away my superhero can use these powers to catch him. My superhero's gadgets are milk grenades, healthy pineapple gum, apple boomerang, sliced bananas, voltage carrots, plum blaster, orange peels and fruit explosion which all shoot our fruits and vegetables and healthy foods.

I really liked how this student included all the appropriate serving amounts on their poster. So well done!

How do you teach about healthy eating and make it fun?

10 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Unknown said...

Super cute! I know I need to eat healthier! (as I sit here eating apple pie! lol)
First Grade Blue SKies

2 Lessons Learned said...

Oh my gosh this is adorable. I may need you to send me one so I can keep it permanently on my fridge! I need it.
So cute. I've got 4th graders for after-school starting this month. I'm nervous. Happy New Year.

3 Karen Greenberg said...

Oh, this is perfect. Thank you for sharing! I don't usually teach nutrition in my class because I have 5th and 6th grade social studies. I have started a club for the girls, though, called Happy, Healthy Hearts where we will be talking about all sorts of health issues. I can't wait to use this to talk about nutrition!

4 arumugam said...

Hi there, awesome site. I thought the topics you posted on were very interesting. I tried to add your RSS

to my feed reader and it a few. take a look at it, hopefully I can add you and follow.

Eating Healthy Food

5 Heather's Heart said...

I LOVE this idea! OMGosh do I love this! I think we are going to use this when we talk about adjectives too because we always eat a lot of different things so we can describe them!

I just found your blog and am so excited to be a new follower and stalk you!

I would love for you to visit me if you get the chance! =)

Heather's Heart

6 Kamagra UK said...

Hi, good post. I have been thinking about this issue, so thanks for sharing. I will definitely be coming back to your blog.

7 Vancouver Chiropractor said...

Interesting layout on your blog. I really enjoyed reading it and also I will be back to read more in the future.

8 mdicode said...

Thank you to tell us so much useful information. So nice sharing. I’m glad to read it.

9 HCG wholesale said...

Indeed thanks for providing necessary information. I really appreciate to u,all are such a good information.Thanks................

10 Leslie said...

This can really tie into some great curriculum... bringing it all together!
-Leslie @KindergartenWorks

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