Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Patterns Galore!

We have moved into patterning in my Grade 4 math class and at first I was pretty skeptical... I am not good at patterning so I was worried that I would have trouble explaining things. But I must say it's been really great!

Here are some anchor charts we created together. The first is types of number patterns.

This shows ways of solving or extending patterns.

Here is our word wall:

We are working on an AWESOME foldable that I will be back to share very soon.

Please leave me a comment about the quality of the photos...I took them with my iPhone and I am not all that impressed. Do they look okay to you?

On a side note....to everyone that has been commenting on my learner's profile, I am working on a series of posts about assessment to be posted very soon. I will talk more about learner's profiles then and post mine as a freebie!!

2 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Melissa said...

I'm a new follower and looking forward to your information on the learning profile.


2 Jess said...

Wow patterns in 4th grade? I'm teaching very similar stuff in 1st grade. I'm sure it's more involved but we are extending number patterns, skip counting, and shape patterns. What is your math curriculum?

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