Friday, June 6, 2014

100 Minutes- My Thoughts on Chapter 4 "Reading Response"

Things are slowly getting back to normal with my family. If you follow me on Instagram then you already know that both my daughters have been sick with hand, foot and mouth disease and we've been battling soaring fevers, aches, pains and a general sickness.

Thankfully, the fevers are gone, the girls are eating and drinking again and playing well.


And so the book study continues...

Thanks to this chapter's host is Jen from
Great job!

Reading response is one of my favourite things about teaching. 
I love getting to know my student through their responses to the texts they read and so once I was able to get to reading this chapter I was pretty happy!

I have struggled a little in this area since I switched from teaching the big kids (Grade 7-8) to the littles (Grade 3) and haven't really loved what I've been doing. I'm hoping this chapter and reading through the thoughts of others in the book study will help to cement my thoughts in this area.

Things that stuck out for me:

  • start small by giving students a limited number of response formats
  • reading response that immediately follows guided reading is an example of intentional sequencing (love that phrase!)
  • Lisa provides a great framework for the gradual release of responsibility on page 54 (image on page 55)
  • reading response allows us to see our students thinking and monitor their progress as readers
  • reading response ensures differentiation even if everyone is reading the same book/story/text (yes! yes! yes!)
  • I love the idea of introducing reading response during Reading Time (pg 56) and am happy that I already do this
  • Lisa presents the idea of an interactive bulletin board with different pockets for the different types of reading response....really want to think more about this
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE the reading response task cards that Lisa provides on pages 61 to 70 and that there are word skills cards too! Can't wait to start Word Nerds and integrate my learning from these two books

Do you love your current Reading Response system/program? Want to change it up? 
What are your thoughts??

I'd love to hear more about your thoughts on this chapter.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Do you have any questions for Lisa Donohue? Click this link to submit your questions for the author of 100 Minutes.

2 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Reading Help said...

I have read the post and the information which you have shared that is really good and useful.

2 Kelly said...

I love how all of her suggestions build throughout the year - starting small and increasing in difficulty. I am thinking of how to implement a little reading prompt response station.. my thoughts have been pocket charts or index card box (since I have limited wall space).

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