Thursday, October 30, 2014

Balancing Teaching and Being a Mom

The end of October marks two full months that I have been back to work full time since having my second child one year ago. My baby girl will be one year old in a few weeks and it's hard to remember life without her.

There have been a lot of challenges in going back to work with two kids and I can honestly say it's been stressful at times.

My house is always a mess.

I don't always cook the way I want to.

My pile of marking grows daily…and I rarely make it a priority.

There are days when I am planning my lessons period to period.

Workouts have dropped from 7 days a week to maybe 4 days a week…if I am lucky.

I can't remember the last time I got my hair cut.

Thank god for coffee. 


I wouldn't change a thing. I know I am a better mom when I am back to work. I love teaching. I love my class. I love constantly learning about teaching.

I am also a better teacher because I am a mom. I have more patience. I think more about how I would want my child to be treated. I am more fun and less focused on just the curriculum

It'll get easier. 
This I know. 

But right now?

Wow, finding balance is tricky. 

2 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 JanCT said...

I certainly know how you feel! I just tucked my daughter in. My son is doing chores, and we'll probably hang out in a bit. I have a FAT bag of correcting! A really fat bag! I left a bulletin board half put up at school. I'm thankful for my family and my students. I'm so blessed. Have a good weekend.
Laughter and Consistency

2 Most Dance said...

I wonder how all these amazing people who take care of their children, create magic in the classroom and write such excellent blogs have time for everything. Do you know some secret? I am only a student who is dreaming to become a good teacher but still I do my essays for money as I cannot cope with everything simultaneously. I am really worried if I would be able to combine everything in future. But, I totally agree with you, that children change our life for better. I think that we become more organized.

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