Thursday, October 16, 2014

Happy Halloween - Blog Hop!!

I love fall!
The leaves change colour. The air gets crisp.
It's Thanksgiving (for us Canadians) and Halloween all in the same month.

I've gotten together with some Canadian blogging friends to celebrate Halloween by having a blog hop and giveaway. Each blog is posting about their favourite way to celebrate Halloween in their class, sharing some freebies and we've gotten together to offer you the chance to win a TPT gift card.

How happy of a Halloween is that?
Pretty awesome.

To be honest, I can't say that I have a favourite way to celebrate Halloween but in the past I have done haunted house glyphs, watch a spooky movie, and done other art activities.

This year my class is reading Bunnicula leading up to Halloween and I am hoping to get some small pumpkins we can paint closer to the holiday. 
Fingers crossed.

As for my freebie, I'd love for you to head over to my TPT store to check out my Skip Counting by 5's Task Card FREEBIE.

I'm planning on extending this freebie into a full product with a variety of skip counting task look for that soon in my TPT store. 

Happy Halloween!!

P.S. The blog hop doesn't officially start until Oct 17th...I just wanted to share with you all a little early. So come back on the 17th to check out the other blogs and grab some great freebies. 

1 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Mrs. Beattie's Classroom said...

I love your task cards, Beth! They'll be great for my early finishers! Thank you! :)


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