Friday, October 18, 2013

Five for Friday

I am exhausted...

That's it.

But, I wanted join in for the Five for Friday fun so here we go.

I made this hat for my new baby...I'm at 38 weeks! Can't wait, yet sooo nervous. What'll it be like with two kids?

I caught some kind of sinus cold this week and in two days have already used at least 2 full boxes of kleenex. I've been using Hydra Sense since I can't take anything and it feels like I'm drowning every time.

This is my daughter and our dog. My heart melts every time I look at it.

I still have a pretty big list of things I need to get before the baby arrives. But there's time. Right?

I just ordered this from Zulily this week using a credit I had on my account! Can't wait.

1 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Jodi said...

That little pumpkin hat is so sweet!! Your little one will look so your other two sweeties! Thanks for sharing all that cuteness.

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