Thursday, October 24, 2013

Trick or Freebie- Day 1

I am so excited to be a part of a great Halloween Blog Hop that is happening over at A Class*y Collaboration. If you are visiting for the first time, welcome. I hope you find lots to your liking!

Now, on to the FREEBIE!

I have a super spooky (ok, not spooky but fun) writing pack for you to start off the blog hop. 

Click on any of the images below to grab your freebie. 

Procedural writing is one of my favourite ways to start the school year in Grade 3 because students have a lot of experience with it and it's a great way to introduce all those routines you want to have in place in your classroom. By the time Halloween rolls around your students will most likely be "experts" and able to handle this activity independently...which means the Halloween fun can also turn into assessment!

This freebie pack contains 3 different procedural writing topics- How to Carve a Pumpkin, How to Trick or Treat Safely, a choose your own topic option. Each choice has a graphic organizer to help students brainstorm and plan our their writing as well as a set of good copy paper.

I've also included a success criteria poster to help your students do their very best work. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to check back at A Class*y Collaboration everyday from now till the 31st to pick up more great freebies. 

4 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Barton's Buzz said...

Thanks so much! Looks great!
Grade 4 Buzz

2 Beach Teacher said...

Thank you so much for this! The kids will have so much fun with this next week!

-Beach Teacher
Primary Classrooms are Oceans of Fun

3 Jan said...

Thanks for sharing this fun writing unit:-)

4 Beth said...

Grade 4 Buzz, Beach Teacher and Jan,
I'm so glad that you all found the freebie to your liking. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I really appreciate it.

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