Sunday, October 27, 2013

Trick or Freebie- Day 4

I'm back with a second freebie as part of A Class*y Collaboration's Trick or Freebie Blog Hop!

The blog hop last from Oct 24th until the 31st so I hope you are available to visit everyday and grab some great freebies!

My freebie today would be a great addition to any math workshop or math stations/centres.

This freebie contains 36 3-digit number cards, plus 6 blank cards to write in your own numbers.

I have also included the instructions for a 3-digit addition, a 3-digit subtraction, a number line and a comparing numbers station using these cards. 

Click on any of the images to grab your freebie!

Don't forget to head over to A Class*y Collaboration for more great freebies as part of this spooky blog hop.

2 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Sara said...

Thank you so much for these! I'm saving them for my future classroom, hopefully it'll come to me soon! :)

2 Beth said...

You're very welcome S! I hope you have a classroom soon too.

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