Monday, September 5, 2011

The Book Whisperer Genre Tally

I have redone my genre tally sheet...again! I think this is the last time, especially since school starts on Tuesday. I realized as I went through my classroom library that I actually only had one book I could classify as science fiction and I didn't want to have an entire science fiction requirement when I couldn't really offer those books to my students. I am hoping to start building on my science fiction collection and hopefully have more to offer my students in the future. If you would like to take a look at my new genre tally sheet head on over here. 

The next step is decide when to introduce the genre requirement. I am going to concentrate on getting Read to Self (from The Daily 5) underway during the first week of school and then if all is going well I will start to add in a little about the genres as mini-lessons each day. I am also hoping to sprinkle in some the CAFE stuff as well. My student teacher sure is going to get an education is starting a new program based on professional reading as I attempt to implement my reading from all three resources this summer!!

For all you who joined in for the Book Whisperer read along this summer I am curious about how toy plan to introduce and integrate the genre requirement into your literacy program. Sooner? Later? Still undecided? Please share your thoughts!!

1 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Tara said...

I introduced it at the end of week 2 once we had a good start with Read to Self. I started with the mini lesson for just right books, then had a book frenzy. They added a reading log and genre tally sheet to their data notebooks. So far, so good. I think the hardest part right now is them remembering to update their data notebooks with what they have read. I teach I.L. so am allowing a few picture books too:)

4th Grade Frolics

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