Friday, September 2, 2011

Teaching Blog Expo 2011

I don't know about the rest of you but this summer has been one of the best teaching experiences ever! How can the summer be a teaching experience? Well, even though I have been home on mat leave since January this summer has provided me with the amazing opportunity to connect to other teacher bloggers and learn from all of their fabulous blogs and ideas. I have also had the opportunity to become an author at TBA and have loved every minute!

But the learning doesn't have to stop just because we are all back at school teaching the littles!! Oh no...Teaching Blog Expo is coming on September 17th. This is a great opportunity to learn from 7 different teaching blog experts, to gain more ideas for your classroom and teaching blog...not to mention connect with even more teacher bloggers and take home a fabulous goodie bag of treats!

Head on over to 
to check out all the details and to register today.

Hope to see you there!

1 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Rebecca Rojas said...

Your blog is amazing and one of my favorites. I hereby bestow the Top 10 Award upon you and your amazing blog!!!

Check it out here:
My Top 10 Awards!

Click here to grab your Award Button

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