Monday, September 5, 2011

My Top Ten!!

I read a lot of blogs. A LOT. And I remember what is it like starting out and just hoping that someone out there will follow you and be interested in what you have to say. So in that vein I am going to dedicate my Top 10 Blogs to some new (maybe just to me!) blogs that I have been loving recently. I also encourage everyone to check out my extensive blog roll where I have almost 100 teaching blogs that are a must read...whew, that's a lot of reading.

Top 10 TBA

I also want to thank those bloggers out there that rated me a Top guys are a 10 in my books as well!!

Create Teach Share

We nominated each other...LOL

My fellow Canadian!

And in no particular order here are my Top Ten Blogs


 Dali's Moustache

 Delightful Daily 5 CAFE

Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies


Reading Really Rocks

Tales of Frogs and Cupcakes

Being Teacher...ish


Go here to read all about the Top Ten award and nominate your own favourite bloggers today!!

6 Brilliant Teaching Thoughts:

1 Madison said...

Thank you! That was just the boost I needed. You are the best!
Life with Mrs. L

2 Jana said...

Thank you so much for the Top 10 nod!

3 Lesson Plan SOS Teachers said...

Thank you so much for thinking about our blog! So thoughtful of you!!!
:) Melissa

4 Literacy Teacher said...

Thank you so much!! I wish I had a cute button on my blog to display. I have no idea how to make one!

5 Janaye said...

Thank you so much!!!!!! I am SUCH a fan of your blog!!!


6 Lorraine Vasquerz said...

Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! Your blog is fabulous!!!!!!!


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